Camping is a great activity that can help us reconnect with the beautiful outdoors. Sometimes, all we need is an extended trip to revitalize our bodies and mind. However, we may end up with materials and equipment that we no longer need. Instead of leaving it in the garage to collect dust, we can sell it to others so they can also experience the joys of camping -while also simultaneously fostering a sustainable environment by reusing gear. However, often times it is difficult to pinpoint exactly how to sell used camping gear. What site should I use? What information should I include in the description? How can I make my stuff sell quickly? Don’t worry, we’re going to cover every single detail here.
Check how used your items are. If it is a tent, see if there are any rips, holes, or scratches on the inside or outside of the canvas. Check the condition of your other items too – if they have
been heavily used, make sure to note that when you list the item later. For example, if a headlamp can only reach 50% of its previous brightness, remember to put that in your product description. Future buyers will thank you for the clarity.
This is not as important for clothing and smaller equipment like water bottles and carabiners, but for bigger and more expensive items this is good to note. Things like mini-stoves and tents usually have model and production year associated with them, so do a quick Google search to find them. Products made in more recent years can be sold for a higher price, since it is unlikely that newer models have come out since then. If I have a portable stove from 2015 versus 2020 in the same condition, buyers will likely choose the latter. Remember, the golden
rule for selling your items is the more information, the better.
This is one of the most underrated parts of the selling gear process! Buyers want to see your clean items, not dirty ones. Even if you are just using a hose to wash your tent down, it goes a long way. A quick scrub or laundry load does wonders.
Even if you have a lightly used sleeping bag in excellent condition, it does no good for you if the product picture is covered in shadows. This makes the buyer uncertain for your product since they cannot see all the different aspects of it. Use a lightbox (you can find them on
Amazon for cheap) or natural lighting to completely illuminate your products. High quality photos taken with a good camera are going to be the most successful. If you don't own a fancy camera you can still take high quality product photos with your smart phone. The pictures you upload provide the first impression for potential buyers, which makes it greatly important for your item success. Also, the more pictures the better.
If your Nalgene water bottle costs $25 at retail price, it would not make sense to sell it at $30. Used items can command a wide range of prices, and generally they will sell at anywhere between 25% to 75% of the original retail price. The factors that decide the price range where
your products fall depends on age, usage, and overall wear. Find items similar to yours int the camping gear category on Rerouted to get a good sense of how much you can reasonably charge for your items. Or, if you want to save yourself more time, just use the seller’s page! Rerouted has an algorithm developed survey of 15 questions that helps accurately determine the best price point for you to sell your items.
Be detailed in what your item is like. Are there scratches or defects that cannot be seen from your photos? How long have you owned it for? How many times have you used it? There are many different things you can write. This makes potential buyers much more comfortable with
your product since they know its usage history.
You’re done! Once you have your items up, sit back and relax, knowing that you have completed the best steps to selling your camping gear.
Listing camping gear can be confusing. There are many different sites, but none of them are catered to this niche specification of product listings. It could take weeks, maybe months, to
finally sell your used gear. is the best place to sell used camping gear – since our website is tailored specifically to selling outdoor equipment, buyers will be looking exactly for the items you want to sell. Other marketplace sites charge exorbitantly high commission prices, so even in the occasion your items sell, the marketplace will take a sizeable amount.
There are two sides to every coin! Just as you want to sell your used items, there might be a mighty fine piece of gear out there waiting for you too. Help continue to promote this cycle of reusing gear and help preserve the environment! Take some time to look through products
as well, and maybe you will find some true gems in the process. In the meantime, get back outdoors and enjoy what Mother Nature has to offer!