The Deal: Want to be a Rerouter but are afraid of commitment? Try out this amazing 90-day deal! You get free shipping and zero commissions. Plus, you get access to our second-hand secrets. Buy/list 3 items and it pays for itself. Reduce, Reroute, and Reuse for the cost of a couple of pizzas. The details are below.
The Deal: You made it. You're thinking, "sign me up for the circular economy. You like buying second-hand. You have stuff to sell. You prefer to choose used but wish it was easier." Boom! Rerouted's got your back! Free shipping, zero commissions, all our second-hand secrets- PLUS, some rad member perks including $65 Wilderness First Aid courses (valued at $200+), with more to come. Reduce, Reroute, and Reuse for the cost of a pair of jeans. The details are below.
The Deal: You're the extreme champions of the second-hand movement. You always choose used. You always have and you always will. We're here to make that possible. Get all the perks we can offer - for life. Need a specific piece of second-hand gear - we will find it for you. Plus, we will go on an adventure with you in your neck of the woods. For the price of a day trip to Disneyland, you can choose used forever and be remembered as an Extreme Rerouter. It's because of you that Rerouted exists.