I appreciate Rerouted for creating opportunities to share secondhand gear. Especially with little kids who grow out of everything so quickly, it's great to have a place to purchase second-hand outdoor gear. You need it once but by the time you need it again, they are onto the next size!
Chiara M
I bought Arcteryx Herren Khaki Pants on rerouted for $54, shipped. These
are $110 new. They are totally fine and will last forever. I'll check
Rerouted first before buying outdoor gear anywhere else.
Brian Stinar
Bought my first bag from Rerouted and received it faster than Amazon
Prime! Huge value and love that a portion of my purchase went to
outdoors programs. I will be going to Rerouted first for all my gear
needs from here on out.
T.J. Cook
It is positive not only for people and the community, it encourages an
active lifestyle!
Stephen Dorn
The staff and managers reach out to the community and have a truly
outdoor corporate culture. I love this gear shop!
Tiffany Hensley
Great finds and personalized service. [You] can't beat the pricing either!!
Lindsey Ramires
My experience with your company so far has been excellent. Even when there was a problem you guys were right there to make it right. So I guess my input would be to keep up the great customer service. Thanks, you guys rock.
I appreciate Rerouted for creating opportunities to share secondhand gear. Especially with little kids who grow out of everything so quickly, it's great to have a place to purchase second-hand outdoor gear. You need it once but by the time you need it again, they are onto the next size!
Chiara M
I bought Arcteryx Herren Khaki Pants on rerouted for $54, shipped. These
are $110 new. They are totally fine and will last forever. I'll check
Rerouted first before buying outdoor gear anywhere else.